Most transfers and check deposits typically post within five business days. It depends on the source of the money.
- Direct deposit. Direct deposits from your employer or payer post to your Chime Checking Account as soon as they’re received. If you have questions about the timing of your direct deposit, please contact your employer or benefits provider.
- Bank transfer initiated through the Chime mobile app or website. Transfers from linked external accounts may take up to five business days from the date the transfer was initiated.
- Bank transfers initiated from an external account. Transfers from non-Chime accounts typically post within three business days from the date the transfer was initiated by the originating bank. Refer to the originating bank for more information on their transfer time frames.
- Debit transactions. Deposits through your debit card (e.g., funds from money transfer apps, etc.) typically post within minutes of a successful transaction.
- Cash deposit at a retail location. Cash deposits typically post within two hours of a successful transaction.
- Checks deposited through the Chime mobile app. Checks deposited through the Chime mobile app typically post up to five business days from the date of the deposit.
Please keep in mind that sometimes deposits may be delayed, especially in the case of federal holidays.